marca Bahia Marina
Português  English

Bahia Marina campaign in textbook

1 de outubro de 2018 Inglês


Launched in 2015, Bahia Marina’s institutional campaign for the World Environment Day “Here is Art. In the Sea, it’s Garbage” went beyond the advertising campaign and became an educational content. Now, it can be seen in the pages of the book Vereda Digital – Text Composition – 1st edition, by Thelma de Carvalho Guimarães, published by Editora Moderna. The book is intended for high school students of the private school system and invites readers to learn about textual genres of the Portuguese language.


According to Editora Moderna, the advertisement piece was chosen by the author, Thelma de Carvalho, and drew attention for its aesthetically beautiful, creative appeal, that managed to unite verbal and visual languages, in addition to the use of three-dimensional elements: thousands of plastic bottles, cans and other materials.


In the book, students are invited to get to know and write advertisement copy, through the study of the discursive genre.


In order to emphasize to the public that garbage can be recycled and even become art, but should never be thrown at sea, the campaign created by the Engenhonovo agency became an artistic panel at the hands of artist Ivo Gato. The nine-by-three-meter work was created using materials that are generally disposed of improperly at the ocean. For this work, which was exposed in external media at Avenida Contorno, in Salvador, three thousand plastic bottles, two thousand beer cans, wood, hardware and paint were used.


With the slogan “In Here, it’s Art. In the Sea, it’s Garbage,” the panel was created to give visibility to the sea turtle, an animal that is one of the symbols of the Baia de Todos os Santos and is amongst the species threatened by environmental degradation.


The director of Bahia Marina Leilane Loureiro celebrates the visibility that the campaign has gained. “When we deliver a message, we expect it to reach as many people as possible. And seeing a campaign move away from the institutional sphere to win the pages of a textbook is something that goes beyond our expectations,” she says.


Campaign’s Technical File:


Publisher: Bahia Marina

Agency: Engenhonovo

Creative Director: Márcio Sant ‘Ana

Art director: Heitor Neto

Copywriter: Fábio Perazzo

Account Director: Bartira Pereira

Account Manager: Bárbara Santana

Media: Priscila Fernandes

Graphic Production: Sandra Ramacciotti

Artist: Ivo Gato


livro didático
